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History of cryptocurrency development and the crypto legitimacy of Hacash

Hacash's two native PoW tokens (HAC, HACD), as well as various technologies, designs, and mechanisms that are compatible with BTC, inherited through one-way transfers, are guided by the Austrian School of sound money theory and follow the monetary ideas and technical thinking of the Cipherpunk forebears.

In summary, HAC, which aims at crypto sound money with stable purchasing power, is the perfect successor to Dai Wei's B-money in 1998 and Nick Szabo's Bit Gold; HACD, the world's first PoW NFT, was the full implementation of Crypto Trading Cards described by Hal Finney in 1993 and Bit Gold by Nick Szabo in 1998.

Through a brief review of the history of cryptocurrencies, we have a preliminary understanding of what Hacash has inherited and optimized:

1982 (David Chaum) E-Cash

The first electronic currency prototype

Failed cause: centralized settlement

1993 (Hal Finney) Crypto Trading Cards

Digital cash collection card combined with crypto art, history's first PoW mechanism NFT

Failed cause: Just stay at the ideas

1997 (Adam Back) Hashcash

This foreshadowed Bitcoin's PoW mechanism

Failed cause: PoW cannot be reused and circulated

1998 (Nick Szabo) Bit Gold

PoW value can be stored and circulated

Failed cause: Fixed mining difficulty, inflation can not be solved

1998 (Wei Dai) B-money

The first cryptocurrency to pursue a stable currency

Failed cause: Lack of supply and demand adjustment mechanism on the chain

2004 (Hal Finney) RPOW

History The first cryptocurrency to implement a code prototype

Failed cause: Rely on the central server to prevent double-spend

2008 (Satoshi Nakamoto) Bitcoin

The first successful cryptocurrency

Reason for success: Use the PoW longest chain principle to achieve decentralization and avoid double-spend

Potential reasons for failure: Insufficient sustainability of economic models, leading to ledger security issues

2014 (Vitalik Buterin) Ethereum

The first Turing-complete cryptocurrency

Reason for success: Added programmability to cryptocurrency finance and supported ICOs

Potential reasons for failure: unstable and centralized monetary policy, abandonment of PoW mechanism, a layer of smart contract security issues and 'state explosion' leading to ledger centralization problems

2018 (Unknown) Hacash

The first cryptocurrency to maintain decentralization while pursuing stable purchasing power

The perfection of the PoW cryptocurrency paradigm, the three PoW coins, inherited and compatible with Bitcoin, will implement payment settlement and store of value with HAC and HACD, respectively, the first PoW NFT in history.